Hammer's Fist Hammer's Fist Hammer's Fist

Hammer's Fist Bases and Ships

Carrida II
Carrida II, the homeworld of the Hammer's Fist. It bases any extra units currently on assignment to help the population of the world.

Units Currently Based on Carrida II:
    Aurek Company
    Aurek - 1st Platoon
    Vo's Boys Squad
    Eode's Eopies Squad
    Alpha Squad

VSD Reprisal
The flagship of the Hammer's Fist. Currently home base to the General Staff, its assistants and Torch Squadron.

Units Currently Based on VSD Reprisal:
    Special Operations Command
    Staff Officers

PLT Declaration
The Platform Declaration is headquarters for company level commanders so as to coordinate their troop movements wherever they are staging from.

TFC Dark Night
Each Task Force Cruiser is capable of deploying a full platoon of the Hammer's Fist elite ground troops. Currently the Dark Night is home to the 1st Special Operations Company.

TFC Revenge
Each Task Force Cruiser is capable of deploying a full platoon of the Hammer's Fist elite ground troops. Currently the Revenge is home to Vindictive Company.

TFC Solar Flare
Each Task Force Cruiser is capable of deploying a full platoon of the Hammer's Fist elite ground troops. Currently the Solar Flare is home to Nova Company

LCF Excelsior
Each Lancer-Class Frigate is equipped to hold a platoon and be able to deploy it wherever it is needed in the battles that Hammer's Fist units are conducting. Currently being used for fighter escort and deployment of detachments as missions require.

LCF Friggia
Each Lancer-Class Frigate is equipped to hold a platoon and be able to deploy it wherever it is needed in the battles that Hammer's Fist units are conducting. Currently being used for fighter escort and deployment of detachments as missions require.

LCF Falcon's Eye
Each Lancer-Class Frigate is equipped to hold a platoon and be able to deploy it wherever it is needed in the battles that Hammer's Fist units are conducting. Currently being used for fighter escort and deployment of detachments as missions require.

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