Hammer's Fist Hammer's Fist Hammer's Fist

PIN #:

Sergeant Major Zsinj's Profile

Stormtrooper Type: Aquatic Assault Trooper
ID Line:
RES/SGM Zsinj/Squad Reserves/Carrida II =R=
Homepage: http://hf.emperorshammer.org
Quote: To Code or Not to Code... That is the Eternal Question!
Chat Programs:

    Battlefront II
    Empire at War
    Empire at War Forces of Coruption
    Jedi Knight
    Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Joined On: May 4, 1999 (25 years 7 months and 18 days)
Last Promoted On: February 11, 2017 (7 years 10 months and 10 days)

Sergeant Major Zsinj's Medals

Long Service Award x17

Sergeant Major Zsinj's Certifications

Sergeant Major Zsinj's Uniforms

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Sergeant Major Zsinj's Dress Uniform
Dress Uniform
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Sergeant Major Zsinj's Duty Uniform
Duty Uniform
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Sergeant Major Zsinj's Armour
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Sergeant Major Zsinj's ID Card
ID Card

Sergeant Major Zsinj's Items

No items owned

Sergeant Major Zsinj's Operations Participation

Sergeant Major Zsinj has not participated in any operations

Copyright ©2008-2024 - Hammer's Fist and Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet