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Private Drake Starfire's Profile

Stormtrooper Type: Standard Shock Trooper
ID Line:
RES/PVT Drake Starfire/Squad Reserves/Carrida II =R=
[OV (2 awards)]
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Joined On: January 3, 2017 (7 years 11 months and 18 days)
Last Promoted On: January 3, 2017 (7 years 11 months and 18 days)
Drake Starfire
Drake Starfire

Private Drake Starfire's Medals

Order of the Vanguard (2 awards)

Private Drake Starfire's Certifications

Private Drake Starfire's Uniforms

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Private Drake Starfire's Dress Uniform
Dress Uniform
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Private Drake Starfire's Duty Uniform
Duty Uniform
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Private Drake Starfire's Armour
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Private Drake Starfire's ID Card
ID Card

Private Drake Starfire's Items

No items owned

Private Drake Starfire's Operations Participation

Private Drake Starfire has not participated in any operations

Copyright ©2008-2024 - Hammer's Fist and Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet