Hammer's Fist Open Command Positions
Prelude To Glory - 1
For: Executive Officer
Posted By:
Posted On: December 14, 2009
From the Desk of the Hammer's Fist Executive Officer
Report #1 - New Executive Officer
Date: Sunday, 14 December 2008
1. New General Staff Appointments
This week we have seen the General Staff becoming full (since Commander, Maneuvers is CLOSED). Congratulations to Baron promoted to the rank of Brigadier General (BG) and Commander, Operations (CO/GS-3). Also congratulations to the new Executive Officer of the Hammer's Fist (XO/GS-2), former Assistant to the Prefect Rico Stone, who was also promoted from Staff Sergeant (SSG) to Brigadier General (BG).
As posted by the Prefect of the Legion:
PRF/LG Keth at December 9, 2008, 10:08 pm
Troopers, There have been some changes to the General Staff this week.
Entering our ranks is a Veteran member of the Emperor's Hammer and its groups, as our new Commander of Operations he should be your first port of call for any new Operations or Competitions, Congratulations to Brigadier General Baron.
As stated earlier, I have accepted applications for the new Executive Officer. I am somewhat dissapointed at the number of Applications I received, however after reviewing the Applicants, I have reached a decision. The new Executive Officer is a veteran of the Hammer's Fist and the old Infiltrator Wing, he has lots of Command Experience and my complete faith in his abilities, congratulations Brigadier General Rico Stone.
These Officers will be helping to guide the Hammer's Fist and indeed the Emperor's Hammer to new heights. I trust you will draw on their experience and trust their decisions.
So welcome Brigader Generals Stone and Baron!
2. New Legion-wide Competition
While we are working on revamping the Field Manual and other things around the Hammer's Fist a new competition has been released: Prelude To Glory (P.T.G.). Here is the storyline:
A new General Staff has come to power within the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion, appointed under the hands of Fleet Commander Grand Admiral Cyric and Executive Officer Sector Admiral Maverick. The corridors of the Legion bases are coming alive, the ships to carry its Troopers across the galaxy are powering up, and a buzz that the once feared Hammer's Fist is alive and well is spreading. But a new enemy is coming alive, arising from the dust as if reborn, threatening the very existence of the Legion. Small hit and run missions have happened on on Carrida II bases and outposts, leaving a Black Fist seal cut into the flesh of the dead each time.
To combat this new threat Legion Executive Officer Brigader General Rico Stone, acting commander of the Legion while Prefect of the Legion, Lieutenant General Keth D'Jek, is at Aurora Prime in meetings with the Emperor's Hammer Command Staff, has dispatched both Vengeance and Redemption Platoons to nearby cities (Vengeance to Vor and Redemption to Er) to search out for answers and possible insurgent strongholds. Their orders are: to gather intelligence and capture or eliminate any Black Fist terrorists.
Full details at:
3. Medal Re-Structure
The Prefect and I have been working hard on getting everything up and going via the Field Manual so we have clear chain of thought throughout the entire Hammer's Fist. We just had the new medals and structure approved by the Executive Officer of the Emperor's Hammer and working on getting them into the database ASAP!
4. Roster Re-Structure
"Too many chiefs, not enough indians," is the thought from one trooper on Pri's Roster Structure. So we have done away with Fireteams (was a bad idea in the first place) and the new structure with be Trooper -> Squad -> Platoon -> Company -> Battalion -> Support Staff -> General Staff. So no more Fireteams or Fireteam Leaders. Changes are being made was we speak.
12.09 - Promoted from rank of Staff Sergeant (SSG) to Brigadier General (BG)
12.09 - Appointed new Executive Officer of the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion
12.12 - Releases Competition - Prelude To Glory
12.13 - Took part in TIE Fighter Corps Weekly Trivia, obtaining second place near the very end of the trivia.
12.13 - Revamped medal structure with Prefect of the Legion.
12.14 - Awarded Cross of Obeidence (CoO) for helping with Medal Revamp.
The Dark Legionnaire - Official Newsletter of the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion
Status: Ongoing
With my recent appointment as [Executive Officer of the Hammer's Fist] I have been charged with the task of resurrecting The Dark Legionnaire, Official Newsletter of the Hammer's Fist. At current there is not one newsletter active in the Emperor's Hammer so we shall continue to lead the way.
I'm looking for fiction, graphics, articles, or anything along that sort (see more here at http://hf.atcontroller.com/HFFM/submit.php). The medals awarded are as such:
* Medal of Darkness - 1 Submission (MoD)
* Bronze Cross - 5 Submissions (MoD-BC)
* Silver Cross - 10 Submissions (MoD-SC)
* Gold Cross - 15 Submissions (MoD-GC)
* Platinum Cross - 20 Submissions (MoD-PC)
* Dark Cross - 25 Submissions (MoD-DC)
* For every additional 8 Submissions after 25 you will receive a Legion of Service (LoS)
So start submitting to hfnl.dl@gmail.com
We hope to have the first issue out in January.
Prelude to Glory (http://eh.stryfe.net/viewtopic.php?f=77&t=630)
A new General Staff has come to power within the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion, appointed under the hands of Fleet Commander Grand Admiral Cyric and Executive Officer Sector Admiral Maverick. The corridors of the Legion bases are coming alive, the ships to carry its Troopers across the galaxy are powering up, and a buzz that the once feared Hammer's Fist is alive and well is spreading. But a new enemy is coming alive, arising from the dust as if reborn, threatening the very existence of the Legion. Small hit and run missions have happened on on Carrida II bases and outposts, leaving a Black Fist seal cut into the flesh of the dead each time.
To combat this new threat Legion Executive Officer Brigader General Rico Stone, acting commander of the Legion while Prefect of the Legion, Lieutenant General Keth D'Jek, is at Aurora Prime in meetings with the Emperor's Hammer Command Staff, has dispatched both Vengeance and Redemption Platoons to nearby cities (Vengeance to Vor and Redemption to Er) to search out for answers and possible insurgent strongholds. Their orders are: to gather intelligence and capture or eliminate any Black Fist terrorists.
All essay, fiction, poetry, graphics, and/or screenshots are to be submitted to the Executive Officer, Brigadier General Rico Stone (rogue_outsider@yahoo.com) with a CC to your direct commander to be counted.
Take part in your platoon's run-on related to Prelude to Glory.
1 pt per post
Vengeance Run-on: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=628
Redemption Run-on: viewtopic.php?f=99&t=629
Essay Topic - An Imperial Stormtrooper:
Most see that the Imperial Stormtroopers are "the bad guys" but are they really? Are they not just military personnel trying to keep the peace in a time of war? Write your thoughts on what it means to be an Imperial Stormtrooper. Must be at least 1 page long in Times New Roman 12pt font single spaced.
1 to 10 points
+5 for first
+3 for second
+1 for third
Fiction Topic - A Day In The Life of An Imperial Stormtrooper:
What do you do throughout your normal day as a stormtrooper? Is it spent cleaning your BlasTech pistol, at the firing range, or filing paperwork? Tell us what you do during the day. Must be at least 1 page long in Times New Roman 12pt font single spaced.
1 to 10 points
+5 for first
+3 for second
+1 for third
Poetry Topic - Battle Cry:
Write a poem that might be a battle cry for the your Fireteam, Squad, Platoon, or even the Legion as a whole. Must have at least two verses and a chorus in Times New Roman 12pt font.
1 to 10 points
+5 for first
+3 for second
+1 for third
Misc Fiction:
Anything else you want to write about in poem or fiction. Must be at least 1 page long in Times New Roman 12pt font single spaced.
1 to 10 points
Misc Graphics:
Any graphic you want to make relating to the Hammer's Fist as whole, your platoon, squad, or fireteam will do. Must be original and your own creation.
1 to 10 points
+5 for first
+3 for second
+1 for third
Combat - Multiplayer:
Fight any fellow Stormtrooper from the Legion in any approved gaming platform (Jedi Academy, Battlefront, Galactic Battlegrounds, etc.) and submit a screenshot of the end score to the Executive Officer (rogue_outsider@yahoo.com).
5 points for winner
3 points for loser
+5 for first in end
+3 for second in end
+1 for third in end
Still working on that but will come to light soon enough.
None yet.
* Private Baron promoted to rank of Brigadier General (BG).
* Brigadier General Baron promoted to Commander, Operations (CO/GS-3) of the General Staff (GS).
* Staff Sergeant Rico Stone promoted to rank of Brigader General (BG).
* Brigadier General Rico Stone promoted to Hammer's Fist Executive Officer (HFXO/GS-2) of the General Staff (GS).
* Private (Recruit) Tyrian promoted to Private.
* BG Rico Stone awarded Cross of Obeidence (CoO).
General Staff: 5 (+2)
Staff Officers: 2 (-1)
Advisors: 0
Nightstalker Company: 28 of 51
Vengeance Platoon: 16 of 25
First Squad: 8
Alpha Fireteam: 4
Bravo Fireteam: 4
Second Squad: 4 (+1)
Alpha Fireteam: 2
Bravo Fireteam: 2 (+1)
Third Squad: 4 (-1)
Alpha Fireteam: 4
Bravo Fireteam: 0 (-1)
Redemption Platoon: 13 of 25 (+1)
First Squad: 8 (+1)
Alpha Fireteam: 4 (+1)
Bravo Fireteam: 4
Second Squad: 4
Alpha Fireteam: 4
Bravo Fireteam: 0
Third Squad: 0
Alpha Fireteam: 0
Bravo Fireteam: 0
Legion Total: 35
Platoon Orion (Training): 40
Homeguard: 146
Overall Total (Legion, Orion, Homeguard): 220
Prefect of the Legion: Received
Executive Officer: Received
Commander, Operations: Not Received
Commander, Maneuvers: Excused
Commander, Training: Not Received
Commander, Internet: Not Received
Assistant to the Prefect: Not Received
Assistant to the Commander, Training: Not Received
Phoenix Battalion Commander: Excused
Nightstalker Company Commander: Excused
Vengeance Platoon
Commander: Received
1st Squad: Not Received
2nd Squad: Received
3rd Squad: Not Received
Redemption Platoon
Commander: Received
1st Squad: Not Received
2nd Squad: Not Received
3rd Squad: Not Received
Commander, Maneuvers (CLOSED)
Commandant of the CSMA, Platoon Orion - Training (CLOSED)
Paymaster (CLOSED)
Quartermaster (CLOSED)
Battalion Commander, Phoenix Battalion (CLOSED)
Assistant Battalion Commander, Phoenix Battalion (CLOSED)
Company Commander, Nightstalker Company (CLOSED)
Assistant Company Commander, Nightstalker Company (CLOSED)
We have a lot of work to do! Lets get to work!
For the Empire!
Respectfully Submitted By,
Brigadier General Rico Stone
Executive Officer of the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion
XO/BG Rico Stone/GS-2/VSD Reprisal =IO=
Emperor's Hammer: http://www.emperorshammer.org
Imperial Weapons and Tactics School (IWATS): N/A
Hammer's Fist: http://hf.atcontroller.com
Carrida Stormtrooper Military Academy (CSMA): http://hf.atcontroller.com/CSMA
Office of the Hammer's Fist Executive Officer: N/A
The Dark Legionnarie: N/A