Hammer's Fist Hammer's Fist Hammer's Fist

Hammer's Fist Open Command Positions

From the Office of the Hammers Fist Executive Officer - 5
For: Executive Officer
Posted By:
Posted On: February 8, 2009

From the Office of the Hammers Fist Executive Officer
Reporting: Brigaider General Rico Stone
Weekly Report #5 - 02.08.2009

Well, another week has come and gone and another week is upon us. We have lots of work to do: Vengeance closed, Redemption filling up, snow is falling, Rebels are dying... And here is the evening news.

--==[NEWS and UPDATES]==--

1. As Report in Emperor's Hammer Weekly Meeting - Saturday, February 7th

--==Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion - "First In, Last Out" - Weekly Report==--
From the Desk of the Hammer's Fist Executive Officer, Brigadier General Rico Stone

1. As reported last week Vengeance Platoon, under the command of Second Lieutenant Zelnar Tenar, was closed down. Troopers from Vengeance are still being moved to Redemption Platoon upon request. About one more week for AWOL and the rest of Vengeance will be moved to the Home Guard.

2. Operation: Cleansing Fire is starting to pick up a little more this week with several MULTIPLAYER (yes, you heard right, MULTIPLAYER... MP) matches coming in. The Judges have been "judging" fiction entries and submitting scores. Full details and the latest at: http://hfxo.fantasy-arts.net/op-cf

3. Multiplayer is going to start up more and more in the Legion. Only thing really needing to change is the thought process that MP is Saber-Only. The Legion is a weapons group and just need to change that mind set. There is a new HF Jedi Academy Server provided by Private Horus Blackheart and we still have a Battlefront II Server provided by Private Dax Corrin. Full details in tomorrow's HFXO Report. We thank both for their service.

4. The Office of the Hammer's Fist Executive Officer has added three new projects to be worked on: two very much needed academy courses (Weekly Report Course and Monthly Evaluation Course) and a promotion program from Private to Sergeant (Sergeant will equal Dark Jedi Knight in the HF) so everyone will know exactly what will be needed to work up the Legion ladder. Full details in tomorrow's HFXO Report.

5. As reported last week the next edition for The Dark Legionnaire - Official Newsletter of the Legion - will not be out until Sunday, March 1st. This will now officially be a bi-monthly newsletter until submissions pick up.

6. As reported last week the Hammer's Fist Executive Officer will be taking a weekend leave from Thursday, February 19th to Sunday, February 22nd. He (ME!) is traveling to Las Vegas, Nevada (America's Playground and Sin City) to take the U.S. Border Patrol Exam and a vacation with his beautiful wife. Commander of Operations, Brigadier General Baron, will probably handle HFXO duties during that time.

7. Congratulations to two of our own, Major General [Zsinj] and Chief Warrant Officer Mordred, to their Emperor's Hammer Command Staff positions of Internet Officer and Training Officer. Don't forget your Legion duties through!

8. Since the Resurrection of the Legion late last year we are just moving forward at an unbelievable pace with several new recruits weekly. All leadership positions are full and operations/competitions are soaring! The Legion is setting the bar high for itself and making clearing it every time.

9. First In, Last Out, the Legion leads the way! Hoorah!


2. Multiplayer Servers
Horus Blackheart and Dax Corrin are now (or even have been) providing a Jedi Academy and Battlefront II servers. We need to be using them and making good with this donation from our loyal members. (See GAMING/TEAMSPEAK SERVERS below.)

3. Three New HFXO Projects
After looking at weekly reports or even the slack there of weekly reports and also the evaluations that been been coming in the Office of the Hammer's Fist Executive Officer is going to be writing two new Carrida Stormtrooper Military Academy Courses - Weekly Report Course and Monthly Evaluation Course. These courses will become mandatory for all those in leadership positions so we have quality reports and evaluations being put out.

Some might see this as a 'paper pushing' but I ensure you that right now it is very much needed. Reports and evaluations are needed to ensure the smooth running of the Legion. As such they will be getting the special attention they need.

The third project is a new Promotion Guidelines that actually expand upon the basic time requirement structure. From Private to Sergeant (five steps) there will be exactly what will be needed to earn the next promotion and when that is met the Trooper will be able to receive that promotion in a timely manner. Sergeant will be the Legion's equavilent to Dark Jedi Master.

(See PROJECTS for more details)

4. Monthly Evaluations
Redemption Squad and even Platoon Evaluations have come across my desk in a very timely manner I like that. I will be reviewing them shortly and will be passing along my evaluation and recommendations to the Prefect of the Legion by the 15th of the Month (probably before though).

5. Weekly Trivia and Weekly Topic Released
As released on the Hammer's Fist Website

Weekly Trivia and Weekly Topic Released!
XO/BG Rico Stone at February 8, 2009, 9:33 am

Since I, the Executive Officer of the Legion, have been slacking in getting out Weekly Trivia and Weekly Topic I have decided to release the previous FOUR WEEKS of trivia and topics. The only catch is you have until Saturday, 14 February @ 11:59PM EST (2359 EST) to submit them to my inbox.

All the trivia questions and weekly topics are available at: http://hfxo.fantasy-arts.net/op-cf/events.php.

There is a total of 80 points available with bonus win points ready for you Troopers to pick up for Operation: Cleansing Fire! Get to it!

5. Special Note
This is already stated above in "As Reported..." but I would like to say thank you from the entire General Staff to all the Troopers of the Legion that are helping rebuild the Hammer's Fist. When it was first closed down by former Grand Admiral Astatine it was like closing an unfinished book. I felt the same way when the old Infiltrator Wing was merged into the TIE Corps. There is much history to the Legion and the book has been reopened and we are writing the new chapters.

Remember this: First In, Last Out, the Legion leads the way! Hoorah!


If you don't see anything here then you don't have to do anything.
If you see stuff here you better be doing something!

02.03 - One (1) Jedi Academy Match -- 10 to 2 (win) -- against Private Horus Blackheart
02.06 - One (1) Jedi Academy Match -- 10 to 1 (win) -- against Private Horus Blackheart
02.06 - Amendmended Op: Cleansing Fire Multiplayer Event and Rules
02.06 - Updated Op: Cleansing Fire website (http://hfxo.fantasy-arts.net/op-cf)
02.07 - Reported for Hammer's Fist at Emperor's Hammer Weekly Meeting
02.07 - Second Place in Emperor's Hammer Weekly Trivia
02.07 - Awarded Hammer of Intelligence with Platinum Ribbon (HoI-PR)
02.07 - Announces three new HFXO Projects
02.07 - Submitted February 2009 Monthly Legion Evaluation to Prefect of the Legion
02.08 - Released Weekly Trivia and Weekly Topic (Four Weeks Worth)
02.08 - Email activity
02.08 - IRC activity
02.08 - Released Executive Officer Report #5 - 02.08.2009


Hammer's Fist IRC Role Playing Game (Beta)
Status: In Development
URL: http://hfxo.fantasy-arts.net/irc-rpg/welcome.php
Details: Originally designed for the Mystics of the Black Sword (Emperor's Hammer Dark Brotherhood) it has now been brought to the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion. It is designed based of the old West End Games' Star Wars Role Playing Game. It will use D(ice)6 unlike d20 of Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). When it is done with the beta testing version it will be fully incorporated into the Hammer's Fist.


The Dark Legionnaire - Official Newsletter of the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion
Status: Ongoing
URL: http://hfxo.fantasy-arts.net/dl
Details: With my recent appointment as [Executive Officer of the Hammer's Fist] I have been charged with the task of resurrecting The Dark Legionnaire, Official Newsletter of the Hammer's Fist. At current the Dark Legionaire is the only newsletter active in the Emperor's Hammer so we shall continue to lead the way. I'm looking for fiction, graphics, articles, or anything along that sort (see more here at http://hf.atcontroller.com/HFFM/submit.php). The medals awarded are as such:

* Medal of Darkness - 1 Submission (MoD)
* Bronze Cross - 5 Submissions (MoD-BC)
* Silver Cross - 10 Submissions (MoD-SC)
* Gold Cross - 15 Submissions (MoD-GC)
* Platinum Cross - 20 Submissions (MoD-PC)
* Dark Cross - 25 Submissions (MoD-DC)
* For every additional 8 Submissions after 25 you will receive a Legion of Service (LoS)

- Must have actually been said in #HF or an HF channel (#HF-RP, #General_Staff, etc.).
- Must have a date attached to the quote (day it was said so we can reference it)
- Does NOT have to be submitted by the person that says it. Anyone can submit anyone's quote. So you might want to always have your e-mail open.
- Does NOT have to permission by the person that said it or parties involved in the quote.
- Limit will be placed on the number of jokes about a certain former HF member whom shall not be named on mass media (The definition of 'limit' is pending).

Those are the guidelines. To be eligible for a Medal of Darkness you must submit five (5) Funny UnderNet Quotes. If you submit quotes for the sake of submitting quotes then they won't count. The Executive Officer (ME!) will deem if they are funny or not. You will not know if they have been accepted or not until the publication of the DL for that month.

Submit Entries To: hfnl.dl@gmail.com
Next Issue: March 2009


The Trooper's Post - Official Weekly Newsletter of the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion
Status: Ongoing
Details: The Executive Officer of the Hammer's Fist will publish a weekly little newsletter with some fun little stuff. More details coming.


CSMA Course - Weekly Reports
Status: Announced
Description: With the lack of weekly report and the lack of effort put into them the Office of the Hammer's Fist Executive Officer sees the need to write a special course targeted directly at Weekly Reports. HFXO/Brigadier General Stone will be writing this course personally and even grading it. It will focus on the basics that ALL reports must have and more. More details coming soon.


CSMA Course - Monthly Evaluations
Status: Announced
Description: With the lack of effort being shown in putting together basic monthly evaluations the Officer of the Hammer's Fist Executive Officer sees the need to write a special course targeted directly at Monthly Evaluations. HFXO/Brigadier General Stone will be writing this course personally and even grading it It will focus on the basics that ALL evaluations must have, the content, and even organization of said evaluations. More details coming soon.


Rank Promotion Guidelines
Status: Announced
Description: After speaking with the Prefect of the Legion in January 2009 both the Office of the Prefect of the Legion and Hammer's Fist Executive Officer sees the need to expand promotion requirements from the rank of Private (PTE) to Sergeant (SGT), the first five steps in the Legion Rank Structure. It will outline what is expected from Troopers to achieve their next pay grade. Time requirements may or may not be altered. The purpose is that no one is overlooked for promotion and they have a clear path set before them. More details coming soon.



Operation Cleansing Fire (http://hfxo.fantasy-arts.net/op-cf)
Start: Saturday, 17 January 2009
End: Saturday, 28 February 2009

The wars between the New Republic and Imperial Remnant are over. Peace has finally come to the galaxy after nearly a half century of fighting. But on the edge of the Tingel Arm and Corporate Sector a new threat is emerging, the face of which is Nom Anor and the Red Knights of Life. This new threat is of grave concern to the Republic, having dispatched Princess Leia Organa Solo to the resolve a conflict between the planets of Rhommamool and Osarian. On the other side of the galaxy, however, in the Outer Rim Territories, Anor is of little concern.

Within the borders of the Emperor's Hammer a different threat is appearing in the form of the Black Fist, led by a mysterious unknown. Already the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion have clashed with the Black Fist on Carrida II, dealing them a minor, but serious blow. But already new terrorist cells are appearing on Imperial controlled planets.

The Prefect of the Legion, Lieutenant General Keth D'Jek, has dispatched Vengeance and Redemption Platoons to the planet Thor to investigate a possible cell attack in Operation: Cleansing Fire. What they will find is a plot that ties the two ends of the galaxy together in a tangled web of deceit and deception to destroy the New Republic... and the Emperor's Hammer.


Operation Fiery Obelisk
Coming Soon - March 2009!


Legionnaire Rumble
Type: Free For All (FFA)
Platform: TBA
A free for all rumble where no one is your friend and everyone your enemy. Be the last trooper standing.


Dodge the Sniper(s)
Type: Evasion (EVA)
Platform: TBA
A timed competition in which there is one target: you. Everyone around you has their sniper scope bearing down on you, ready to pick you off at a moments notice. Can you survive the longest?


Executive Protection
Type: Force On Force (FOF)
Platform: TBA
A terrorist cell has launched an attack on a VIP under the Legion's protection while on a weekend retreat. The Legion must make sure the VIP makes it to a shuttle that is on stand by to take him to an awaiting Star Destroyer in orbit. Make sure he gets there in one piece and not several or body bag.


Type: Force On Force (FOF)
Platform: TBA
An unknown group has taken control of the command center and established a "foothold" wanting their demands met to release political prisoners. They have brought with them a tactical weapon to destroy the entire base. Your unit is to infiltrate the center and eliminiate the threat before time runs out.


Type: Evasion and Domination (EAD)
Platform: TBA
Your squad is the prey and a predator is waiting to pick you off one by one. Last long enough and you just might get out alive.


Squad Wars
Type: Squad vs Squad Superority (SSS)
Platform: TBA
Is your squad the best in the Legion? Put your wits against other squads and the one that comes out on top will be crowned supreme!


Hosted by Horus Blackheart

Star Wars: Battlefront II Server
Hosted by Dax Corrin

02.01 - Jedi Eclipse from Vengeance 1 to Redemption 3
02.01 - Werdna Elbee from Redemption 1 to Homeguard
02.01 - Sam Rajax from Vengeance 3 to Redemption 1


Total Promotions: 0
Total Demotions: 0
Total Appointments: 0

--==[MEDALS and AWARDS]==--
02.01 - Jag Keran awarded Ice Cross (ICE)
02.07 - Rico Stone awarded Hammer of Intelligence with Platinum Ribbon (HoI-PR)

Total: 2

01.31 - Jag Keran passed Cold Assault Stormtrooper Certification =SC= exam with 100%
01.31 - Jag Keran passed Airborne Training Course =AIR= with a 100%
01.31 - Jag Keran passed Naval Stormtrooper Certification exam =SN=
01.31 - Jag Keran passed Combat Medic exam =MD1= with a 100%
01.31 - Jag Keran passed Close Combat Course =CC= exam with a 100%
01.31 - Jag Keran passed Heavy Weapons exam =HW=
01.31 - Jag Keran passed Radiation Trooper Survival Course exam =SR= with a 100%
01.31 - Jag Keran passed Desert Assault Trooper Certification exam =SD=
01.31 - Jag Keran passed Vehicle Course - Stage 1 exam =VS1=
01.31 - Jag Keran passed Apprentice Demolitions Tech exam =DT1=
02.01 - Adeoc Tana passed Scout Trooper Course exam =ST=
02.01 - Adeoc Tana passed Vehicle Course - Stage 4 =VS4= exam with a 100%
02.01 - NinerOmega passed Artillery Basics exam =ARTY1= with a 100%
02.01 - Jag Keran passed Scout Trooper Course exam =ST= with a 100%
02.03 - Talos Arconae passed Scout Trooper Course Test =ST=
02.03 - Talos Arconae passed Observer Certification =SN2=
02.03 - Talos Arconae passed Demolitions Technician =DT2=
02.03 - Talos Arconae passed Vehcile Stage One certification =VS1=
02.06 - Chord Phaton passed Apprentice Sniper Course Test =SN1=
02.06 - Chord Phaton passed Apprentice Demolitions Technician =DT1=
02.06 - Jag Keran passed Demolitions Technician =DT2=
02.06 - Jag Keran passed Urban Operations Certification =SU=
02.06 - Jag Keran passed Vehicle Course - Stage 2 =VS2=
02.06 - Talos Arconae passed Vehicle Course - Stage 2 =VS2=
02.06 - Keth D'Jek passed Apprentice Sniper Course =SN1=

Passed This Week: 25

General Staff: 5
Staff Officers: 2
Advisors: 1

Phoenix Battalion: 35

Nightstalker Company: 35

Vengeance Platoon: 11 (-4)
First Squad: 6 (-1)
Second Squad: 3
Third Squad: 2 (-2)

Redemption Platoon: 24 (+3)
First Squad: 8
Second Squad: 8
Third Squad: 7 (+1)

Active Duty Total: 43 (-1)
Platoon Orion (Training): 45 (+1)
Homeguard: 205 (+1)
Overall Total (Legion, Orion, Homeguard): 293 (+1)


General Staff
Prefect of the Legion: Not Received
Executive Officer: Received
Commander, Operations: Not Received
Commander, Maneuvers: CLOSED
Commander, Training: Not Received
Commander, Internet Affairs: Not Received

Staff Officers
Assistant to the Prefect: Not Received
Assistant to the Executive Officer: Excused
Assistant to the Commander, Operations CLOSED
Assistant to the Commander, Maneuvers: CLOSED
Assistant to the Commander, Training: CLOSED
Assistant to the Commander, Internet Affairs: CLOSED

1st Mechanized Battalion
Phoenix Battalion Commander: CLOSED
Assistant Battalion Commander: CLOSED

23rd Mechanized Infantry Company
Nightstalker Company Commander: CLOSED
Assistant Company Commander: CLOSED

Vengeance Platoon
Commander: CLOSED
1st Squad: CLOSED
2nd Squad: CLOSED
3rd Squad: CLOSED

Redemption Platoon
Commander: Not Received
1st Squad: Not Received
2nd Squad: Not Received
3rd Squad: Not Received

Commandant, Platoon Orion - Training: CLOSED

Commander, Maneuvers (CLOSED)
Paymaster (CLOSED)
Quartermaster (CLOSED)
Battalion Commander, Phoenix Battalion (CLOSED)
Assistant Battalion Commander, Phoenix Battalion (CLOSED)
Company Commander, Nightstalker Company (CLOSED)
Assistant Company Commander, Nightstalker Company (CLOSED)
Commandant, Platoon Orion - Training (CLOSED)
Vengeance Platoon Commander (CLOSED)
First Squad Leader, Vengeance Platoon (CLOSED)
Second Squad Leader, Vengeance Platoon (CLOSED)
Third Squad Leader, Vengeance Platoon (CLOSED)

1. Take part in Operation Cleansing Fire (see "Operations and Competitions" above).
2. Get on IRC.
3. Stay in contact!
4. And above all, HAVE FUN!

Lets get this party started!


Emperor's Hammer: www.emperorshammer.org
Unnamed Emperor's Hammer Academy: N/A
Hammer's Fist: http://hf.atcontroller.com
Carrida Stormtrooper Military Academy (CSMA): http://hf.atcontroller.com/CSMA
Office of the Hammer's Fist Executive Officer: http://outsider.fantasy-arts.net
The Dark Legionnarie: http://hfxo.fantasy-arts.net/dl
The Trooper's Post: N/A


Submitted By,
Brigadier General Rico Stone, "Outsider"
XO/BG Rico Stone/GS-2/VSD Reprisal =IO, AIR, SR=

Lieutenant Cesar Steiner, "Outsider Jr."
FM/LT Cesar Steiner/Tornado 1-2/Wing X/ISDII Challenge

Commander Klaus "Outsider" Steiner, Dark Jedi Knight (ret.)
RSV/CM Klaus Steiner/FRG Phoenix || DJK Outsider

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