Hammer's Fist Open Command Positions
Executive Officer's Report #2 - 0
For: Executive Officer
Posted By: MGN Wilhelm Drachen
Posted On: November 13, 2015
Hammer's Fist: Executive Officer's Report #2
Date: November 13, 2015
To: PRF/MGN Zoryn Archenksov
From: XO/BGN Wilhelm Drachen
It's Been a busy a slow few week's here in the Hammer's Fist but we are not less than 5 days from the Launch of SW Battlefront and things are beginning to pick up. The biggest new was the release of the new AP promotion system which we can now use to make sure each member gets there just rewards. remember the more points you earn the higher you go!
Along with this there have been a flurry of promotions and medals given out which I will detail later on in the report. We were able to give out what I believe is the last of the Battle Team medals converted to Fist medals.
Fiction Team - Under the Leadership of WP:PRF/SL Len Eode the team was able to accomplish the Battle Team task of creating our origin story. CPL Len Eode will be publishing this story for us all to read in his first WO:PRF report which will be coming soon! Now that the team has accomplished it's goal Len has decided to officially disband the team. So at this time I would like to thank GSG Delak Krennel, SPC Liam Stephens, and COL Visakia Spreex for all your hard work these many weeks. Great Job Guys! So from now on all fiction related projects and direction will come from the WO:PRF's office directly so keep an eye out for his reports and emails!
Squad Leaders - Now that the Promotion and member tracking systems are in place you will need to start publishing your reports and preparing to get your Monthly Squad Reports (MSE's) to me by no later than the first Friday of every month.
Battlefront 3 - Launches next Tuesday Nov 17, 2015, but some lucky people got early access to the game. Thankfully CO Sparky was one of them and he will be testing all the modes and have BF Comps and Medal requirements in his first report which will be out soon!
Competitions - See Operations Page
Promotions and Medals in November 2015
Promotions - New PFC's Trideo Arkson and Hawkins. New LCP's Firmus Kilgore. New CPL's Zephon. New SPC's Liam Stephens.
Medals - Cross of Obedience - Firmus Kilgore, Zephon, leocadio.
Medal of Conspicuous Gallantry - Delak Krennel, Sparky
Star of Valour - Wilhelm Drachen and Archenksov
Warfare Service Medals were also awarded for all screenshots submitted to the site. Also the first new fiction Medal; the Intelligence Service Medal were awarded as well. Len will detail these medals in his WO:PRF report.
Right now the site doesn't send notification emails nor show the reason you got these medals, on the Activity report, but this will be rectified when we move tot he new site.
Report Fiction By Len Eode & Wilhelm Drachen
As the Squad Leaders were leaving the mission briefing, Drachen shouted after Delta’s Squad Leader, â€Corporal Eode, one moment please. Can you stay for a moment?â€
The Corporal stopped dead in his tracks and walked back to the XO and waited for what he expected to be a secret task when the Drachen looked at him with the most odd look on his face and said, “Corporal I just received your request to change your Squad’s name to Eode’s Cows?†I’d this correct or or you making a mockery of the Legion?â€
“Correction sir, they are Eopies,†the squad leader replied proudly. The Brig General now clearly looking annoyed at the squad leader “So what you are wanting me to believe is that you and your ‘squad’ are proud to be the fighting cows? Excuse me Eopies?!â€
Looking the XO dead in the eyes the NCO replied, “Yes sir, we may not be fancy Aklays or Rancors, but we still get the job done.†“Oh really? You want to know the last time I even heard of a Eopie it was when i was ordering a sandwich at a Tatooine cantina! You're telling me you are naming your Squad after luncheon meat!â€
“Well sir, before I was in the Stormtrooper Corps, I did work in an eatery and we served many eopie sandwiches.†The XO even more amazed that this Corporal with him, “You’re INSANE or drunk, and I am not sure which Corporal!†The corporal smiled, “Thank you sir. We aim to please.â€
The XO was for the first time was speechless at the sheer insanity of this conversation. He took a moment and tried one last attempt to regain some sanity in this subject and maybe point out the fatal flaw in this Corporal plan. “Before I approve this ‘request’ of yours I must know, has the full squad approved this name change. I can’t approve such a request without the full squad signing off on it?â€
The corporal sighed, “Sure, I mean Private Kilgore was the one suggested it and the other two eagerly approved!†“Really?!†Again the XO is found dumbstruck. “Yes, SIR!†Len eagerly said with a big grin
“Well….†barely able to get the next words out of his mouth, Drachen reluctantly said, “Then I have no choice but to approve this insanity.†Len Eode nodded and replied, “Thank you sir. I’m sure the others will be thrilled.â€
From the back of the command center a voice called out, “Did he approve it? I couldn’t hear.†“What the hell are you all doing in here!! This is a private conversation, Corporal! Explain your squad’s action!†“Doing what we do best, sir. Remaining unnoticed, like cows in a field.†The XO now boiling with anger “Well corporal get you and your COWS out of my sight before I turn you all into next week's lunch!†Len saluted, “Right away sir!†Spiffy stood up and waved, “Bye Mr. General Drachen sir.â€
Drachen interrupts sharply “GET OUT of my office NOW!!!†After the room was finally cleared out Wilhelm reached under his desk and retrieve a bottle of Scotch and didn’t even bother with a glass and took a long, long drink from the bottle… “My god! They really want to be cows!â€
Website News
Good News on this front if all goes well leo will be officially done doing modifications to out temp website and will be officially working on our new site come next tuesday (BF Launch Day). So unfortunately the way the site is on that date is what we will be working with till the new site comes online.
I will update you as to the progress of the new site as new information comes in from leo.
Remember you are completely free to ask leo to stop working and have fun as well so don't ignore him just don't bug the man about the new site. Just don't hound him about the new site that's Arch and My job. :)
IMPORTANT OLD SITE STUFF - if you find a bug, problem or something breaks please use the "contact webmaster link" ONLY again don't email leo directly. He will be monitoring the msgs from that link along with Arch and I. So he will fix any issues if something breaks but he will not be adding any new features to our current site after he is done with it.
XO/BGN Wilhelm Drachen/SOC-2/VSD Reprisal [SoV, CoD-gssx2, -sss, PoC, WSM-QuV (122 awards)]
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