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Hammer's Fist Open Command Positions

Alpha Squad Report #1 - 0
For: Alpha Squad's
Posted By: SPC Jarion Renalds
Posted On: February 17, 1995






Good evening gentlemen. I believe this is the first report for Alpha Squad as well as the first report I've ever had to write, so please bear with me in that regard, I can only get better with practise. Additionally, I am aware that I should have posted one around late January and I apologise that I did not, expect regular biweekly reports from now on though.







All information used is since February 1st.





  • SPC Zephon: CoO x1

  • SGT Liam Stephens: WSM x1

  • CPL Jarion Renalds: MCG x1, PoC x1







As recently stated in the Prefect report, the current Operations for you to take part of as well as anything upcoming is as follows:



  • Operation Kill and Be Killed for Battlefront has been extended through February 18.

  • Operation Victory's Light ends February 22.

  • SL Vosakia Spreex is working to organize a guns-only JA tournament. Keep an eye out for details in the coming weeks.

  • Try and name the new reward the HF will be using in place of the CoL. You can find the sheet here or visit here for more details.


I will also be working out a competition to run quite soon. If you have any ideas of what you want to see then don't hesitate to send me an email or bump into me on Telegram.







Alpha Squad, 1st Platoon

        Company Aurek

         SL: CPL Jarion Renalds

         TRP: SGT Liam Stephens

         TRP: SML Lonewolf

         TRP: CPL Rejili Holthaus

         TRP: SPC Zephon




Final Thoughts



Looks like that is all for this report. Sorry again for missing out on all the information from January, there was an impressive amount of activity for the month and I hope that it carries on throughout the rest of February. I'd very much like to add as many promotions and medals to my report as I can.


And also again, if you have any ideas for upcoming competitions you’d like to see me run, hit me up either via email or telegram. We do have an Alpha Squad TG group so if you want in, just ask.


Dismissed, Alpha!


SL/CPL Jarion Renalds/Squad Alpha/1st Platoon/Company Aurek/Carrida II =AIR=

        [CoD-gss, PoCx2, MCG, OV (2 awards), ICM-DeV (46 awards)]


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