Hammer's Fist Open Command Positions
Domain Report - 3
For: Prefect
Posted On: January 2, 2005
My apologies for the lack of
report last week -- the 23rd was my birthday, I was hungover the 24th, family on
the 25th/26th, friend leaving town the 27th... and from then on, work has kept
me fairly busy. On that note, I also decided to push this report back to Sunday
to encompass Zsinj's annual bonuses (bonii?), which were awarded not an hour
ago. Plenty of news to discuss, folks.
1) Most importantly, as seen all over the EH, GA
Ronin has retired and GA Astatine has risen in his stead to take control.
Congrats to him, and our heartfelt thanks to Ronin for all of his work over the
past ten years.
2) Zsinj's Annual Bonii/Bonuses were awarded...
an extra two weeks of salary for everyone. Thanks go to Z for his
4) Our new message boards are up, and you can
find them at
5) Updates continue to the RP system, as it is
nearly ready to go... final preparations have to be made. Grav, if you could
e-mail me/find me on IRC for a few minutes, I have a few questions for
6) Applications for Commander, Training are still
open. I'd like to see some more interested applicants before I make my final
7) I've been in discussion with Scrier over the
past week in an effort to further cooperation between the HF and the ID, and
thus far, we have established a plan for the exchange of liaison officers.
This should help us further our roleplaying endeavours to some regard, as well
as set the stage for inter-subgroup competitions down the road. I'd like any
interested members (rank is not important) to e-mail me ASAP!
8) All General Staff officers should report in to
me with their status in this post-holiday aftershock. Hopefully, EVERYONE has
had a safe and restful holiday... time to go back to school, and back to
9) Final preparations have been made for the
transfer to RP/MP divisions. Once Z, Slag and I have a few minutes to sit down
and hammer it out, things will get done.
10) Time for a new
tradition... I feel the need to promote and medal. I'd like you all to send me a
list of who YOU think deserves an award for their hard work, their dedication,
whatever... give me their name, what you would like to see them awarded with,
and WHY. Send it to me by the end of the week so I can pass them
Really, thats about it for
this week. I have to apologize for the apparent lack of progress this past
week... the holidays and the end of term exams caught up with a few of us.
Expect to see some headway forged in January! I need all GSers to report in to
me ASAP, troopers report to your detachment CO's... Detachment CO's, report in
to the GS immediately. Welcome back to Hell, boys.
PRF/MG Domingo Chavez/GS-1/VSD Reprisal
SU, INST, SN4, MD1, DT3, CM3, VS4, CC, MI, C&S, PYRO, ARTY1, AV1=
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