Hammer's Fist Hammer's Fist Hammer's Fist

Hammer's Fist Open Command Positions

CI Report for a Change - 0
For: Signals Officer
Posted On: June 19, 2004

Wow... A CI report...
1) New versions of the armour have been added to the site... thankfully due to
the new design the code is FAR simpler 41 lines at this moment compared to at
least 100 lines for the previous one

2) Soon there'll probably be a comp to design new unit patches for the new
armour, current tempory unit patches on the armour are just the standard HF
logo. Details should probably be coming from the CO's office when he gets to it

3) To Do list updated again: http://www.hammersfist.net/ToDo.txt

4) Personal Update: I've been working for the past week, and will probably have
a job for the next week or two, so my coding time/energy has been greatly
reduced for a bit, until after that time.

5) As Always if you find errors in the site, contact me ASAP.

General Zsinj
Coder Guru of the EH

PS I'm taking apps as always for A:CI, though not actively hunting for someone,
I'm always taking apps...

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